Need transport of your bike and yourself to Nærbø from Sandnes?
Transportation for both person and bike.
Meet up in the area between Vågen Videregående skole and Jysk before departure at 09.55 Saturday - race day.
Bring your bike, it is loaded on a truck before leaving for Nærbø.
The shuttle costs NOK 200,- and purchased through your enrollment.
Everyone must collect their start number before the race, either in Egersund or Sandnes.
In Sandnes, you can pick up you start number at Vågen Videregående Skole (in the finish area) on the friday before the race, between 11:00 and 19:00.
In Egersund, you can pick up your start number in a tent in the middle of the starting area on Friday before the race, between 15:00 until 21:00.
You must select pick-up location of your start number when you register for Nordsjørittet.
In order to pick up your start number, you must bring the "hentelapp" (a note with you information). This can be printed out from our webpage (participant list) about a week before the race. This note has information about start number, where to collect start number and (if booked) transport package. "Hentelapp" is used to:
- Pick up start number
- Hand in bike for transportation to Egersund (if purchased)
- Ticket on bus transportation package (if purchased)
Do you love to ride and is under 12 years? Then Nordsjørittet pleased to invite you to the "Barnas Nordsjøritt" in Nærbø, on Friday before Nordsjørittet.
Registration online (on front page) or in "Torget" (centre) on Friday from 16.30.
The start is at. 18.00 on Friday before Nordsjørittet and the trail is in the area.
It's free to join, and you set only need a two-wheel bike and helmet.
The race is open to off-road bike (not racing bike).
Age limit is up to 12 years.
Prizes for all participants.
Do you love to cycle and is between 2 and 12 years? Then Nordsjørittet is pleased to invite you to "Barnas Nordsjøritt" in Egersund, on Friday before Nordsjørittet.
Start Time:
2-6 years at "Gruset" (Nordsjørittet starting area) at 17.15
7-9 years at Slettebø Idrettsanlegg at 17.30
10-12 years at Slettebø Idrettsanlegg at 17.35
Finish for all is in "Torget" in Egersund center.
Recommended course lengths:
2-6 years 1 km
7-9 years bicycles 3.5 kilometers
10-12 years bikes 6.5 km
See the course here: https://vimeo.com/95653785
It's free to participate and many nice prizes for everyone.
No timing.
The race is open to off-road bike - not racing bike.
Overview of start times and start groups (subject to change).
Pulje 1 kl. 09:00 - 60 best seeding, men and women Nordsjørittet 91 km
Pulje 2 kl. 09:05 - 60 best seeding, men and women Nordsjørittet 91 km
Pulje 3 kl. 09:10 - 60 best seeding, men and women Nordsjørittet 91 km
Pulje 4 kl. 09:15 - 100 best seeding, men and women Nordsjørittet 91 km
Pulje 5 kl. 09:20 - 100 best seeding, men and women Nordsjørittet 91 km
Pulje 6 kl. 09:30 - CX/Allroad pulje men and women (kjører i Nordsjørittet 91 km)
Pulje 7 kl. 09:35 - JR.elite women og JR. elite men (kjører i Nordsjørittet 91 km)
Pulje 8 - Pulje 13 kl. 09:40 ⇒ - seeding puljer men and women Nordsjørittet 91 km
Pulje 14 - Pulje 17 kl. 10:10 ⇒ - Team and individual entries
Kl. 11:00 - Nordsjørittets MTB Marathon
Kl. 11:05 - Master women and men (kjører i MTB Marathon løype)
Kl. 11:10 - Elite Women Sr. (kjøres i MTB Marathon løype)
Kl. 12:00 - Elite Men Sr. (kjøres i MTB Marathon løype)
Begge elite klassene og master inngår i årets Norges Cup i MTB Marathon.
Kl. 12:00 Ungdommens Nordsjøritt from Orre to Sandnes
Kl. 12:30 Nordsjørittet Halv Distanse from Nærbø to Sandnes
Kl. 11:00 - 12:00 Nordsjørittets Familieritt from Mariero to Sandnes
Are you between 13 and 16 years of age, you can cycle Ungdommens Nordsjøritt.
The trail is 32 km and runs in the same track as Nordsjørittet on the same day. Starts at Orrehallen kl 12.00.
You will get to ride up the feared Thubakken, along the idyllic Frøylandsvann (lake) and you will finish in Vågen in Sandnes. The race is suitable for everyone, both those who are active cyclists and those who think it`s fun to ride.
Entry fee: NOK 200,- (plus license NOK 50,-)
Do not miss the opportunity to join the most beautiful sping adventure!
Here is important information leading up to race day:
1. Start Number Distribution
Starting number is picked up at Vågen Upper Secondary School, Friday between 11.00 and 19.00.
See map: http://www.nordsjorittet.no/gfx/Kartparkering2014.png for parking, and see arrows for entrance to parking. In the same period there will be open sports shop, where Spinn and Hetland Sport is represented.
Those who will collect their start number in Egersund do it in a tent close to the starting area between 15:00 and 21:00 on Friday.
It will also be possible to collect your start number at Orrehallen on race day.
2. Luggage Submission
It is possible to submit luggage in the start area at Orre, and retrieve it at the finish in Sandnes. Everyone gets one sheet with many labels on, which can be attached to luggage, bicycle, and on your back.
Tag luggage well, and we remind you that this is at your own risk.
3. Race
The race starts from Orrehallen 12.00 and everyone starts at the same time. People from the organizer will be in place in the starting area from 09.00. Orre IL has opened the hall, so if there is a little bad weather it is possible to go in here. There are also toilets in the area. During the race there is a beverage station on top of Thubakken. Remember to keep to the right on the trail and follow the guard's directions.
4. Prizes
After finishing the race all will be given a Nordsjøritt Medal, and a token. The token is for the food tent. Moreover, it is 1/3 prizes.
5. Keep Nordsjørittet clean!
We remind you that garbage should not be dumped in nature - use designated garbage zones associated with food and beverage stations, or bring it to the finish area.
Nordsjørittet 45 km was arranged for the first time in 2015 and is open to women and men from 17 years and upwards.
First start at 12.30 from Nærbø center and finish in Vågen in Sandnes, same place as the regular race course
We will have starting groups of approximately 50 participants, based on the expected end time. Info about this will be sent out. We will also facilitate for those who want to start together.
Trail Map: http://ridewithgps.com/routes/7794004 (subject to change)
Track Description
After starting in Nærbø we go into some simple terrain in the area Jærmuseet, Vitengården. Then there is asphalt until Hå Gamle Prestegård. We are now in the main track (Nordsjørittet 91 km). The rest of the trail is on gravel and asphalt and is relatively flat. The exception is Tubakken, which is a short steep section, but with a lot of hustle and bustle from spectators!
Food and Drink stations at Hå Gamle Prestegård after 9.5 km (food and beverage) and on top of Tubakken after 23.5 kilometers (drinks).
Nordsjørittet is the second largest bicycle race and a stunning adventure! The race is always on the second Saturday in June and is suitable for everyone - it's a great test of strength and a great goal for getting in shape.
Nordsjørittet is owned by three local cycling clubs - Dalane, Nærbø and Sandnes, and has become a significant source of income for many different organizations and teams in Rogaland.
We have a strong focus on safety and work hard to make you feel safe in the trail. Our goal is quality in all aspects and focus on the individual participant. You decide the pace and ambition. Nordsjørittet is primarily a challenge against yourself!
First start at 9:00 from Egersund and finish in Vågen, Sandnes!
Description of the trail
Nordsjørittet is a 91 km mountain bike race, which runs between Egersund and Sandnes. The trail passes through breathtaking scenery; seascapes, beaches, forests, farmlands, oceans, cozy towns and cities.
Trail Map and profile: https://ridewithgps.com/routes/27504894
Food and drink stations
Ogna Camping by 22km (food and beverage)
Vandavann 34 km (drinks)
Hå gamle Prestegård after 54 km (food and beverage)
Top of Tubakken after 68 km (drinking)
Service stations
Hellvik Station after 9 km
Hølland Farm for 19 km
Vandavann after 34 km
Hå gamle Prestegård after 54 km
Tubakken after 68 km
Nordsjørittet 45 km will be arranged for the 2nd time on Saturday 11 June, and is open for both women and men from 17 years and upwards.
Start: First start at 13.00 from Nærbø center
Finish: Vågen in Sandnes (same place as Nordsjørittet 91 km)
We will from 2016 have starting groups of approximately 50 participants, based on the expected end time. Info about this will be sent out.
We will also facilitate for those who want to start together.
Trail Map: http://ridewithgps.com/routes/7794004 (subject to change)
Track Description
After starting in Nærbø we go into some simple terrain in the area Jærmuseet, Vitengården. Then there is asphalt until Hå Gamle Prestegård. We are now in the main track (Nordsjørittet 91 km). The rest of the trail is on gravel and asphalt and is relatively flat. The exception is Tubakken, which is a short steep section, but with a lot of hustle and bustle from spectators!
Food and Drink stations at Hå Gamle Prestegård after 9.5 km (food and beverage) and on top of Tubakken after 23.5 kilometers (drinks).
We open up the possibility to ride Nordsjørittet, both 91 km and 45 km, without timekeeping.
If you want this, select NO under point timekeeping in your registration. Those who choose this will be registered with completed/participated in the result list and ranked alphabetically.
Here you will find a list of where the service-, food- and drink stations are along the course.
Service stations:
Hellvik stasjon: At 9 km
Hølland Gård: At 19 km
Vandavann: At 34 km
Hå gamle: At 54 km
Tubakken: At 68 km
Food- and drink stations:
Ogna Camping: At 22 km (food and drink)
Vandavann: At 34 km (drink)
Hå gamle: At 54 km (food and drink)
Tubakken: At 68 km (drink)
Information on individual registration to Nordsjørittet.
Registration takes place via our online registration system. Link to registration will be posted on the front page of http://www.nordsjorittet.no.
Registration fee NOK 790, -
License: NOK 200, - (mandatory if you do not have a license via your cycling club)
Should you choose Seeding when you enroll?
If you select "Yes" on seeding, you will be ranked on the basis of past performance, and placed in a group of your own level. We can seed you on the basis of the last three races in Nordsjørittet (TurrittID) Garborgriket Rundt (TurrittID) Birkebeinerrittet (BirkID) Grenserittet (GrenserittID) or Montebello Rittet (TurrittID). If you have no TurrittID but want to seeded, you can ride one of these races ahead of Nordsjørittet. If you are going to ride Garborgriket Rundt for seeding to Nordsjørittet, first select no to seeding, then enter your registration after Garborgriket Rundt and choose seeding and post your TurrittID.
What is TurrittID?
Have you participated in a bike race in Rogaland, you have already been given TurrittID (number). This is used to keep track of your bike performance. Your TurrittID and more info can be found on the pages of http://www.turritt.com.
Start Number Name
What you write here will be printed on you startnumber.
This is a start group for those who know they are going to spend more than six hours on Nordsjørittet, and therefore require an earlier start.
Those who have chosen yes to seeding will be able to see which startgroup they are in, in the weeks before the race. Final seeding is done in the week after Garborgriket Rundt.
The rest of the startgroups will be settled when approaching race day.
Age Classes
Your result will be registered in your age class. Individual results for the elite.
17 -19, 20-24, 25-29, 30-34, 35-39, 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60-64, 65-69, 70-74, 75 - 79, 80-84, 85-89, 90 -
Transportation, license and accommodation
Deadline for purchase of transportation, licensing and accommodation is the 2nd June and is done in each participant's enrollment.
Team Registration (amendment may occur).
Would you like to register a team?
Below you will find information regarding registration procedure for teams:
Registration of team and participants in the team, opens 1. November - Link to registration will be posted on the front page, in a blue box.
Team leader register team name, team leader, billing address and the number of estimated participants. Teams must be a minimum of 8 participants and teams are committed to the number of registered participants (team leader will receive link and codes on email for further registration, when the team is registered).
Payment options
1. Team Invoice (+ NOK 100, - in fee)
2. Participants register and pay their own registration (online)
Registration of participants
Teams with payment options 1 (invoice):
- Team leader registers its participants in the team. Team leader does not need the online password if he / she is to register the participants.
- Team leader must submit link, username and ONLY online passwords to their participants if the participants are to register themselves.
Registered participants are guaranteed a place in Nordsjørittet. Registrations can not be deactivated or deleted, but see important information and dates for re-registration of names, below.
Payment option 2 (participants register and pay online):
Team leader must submit link, username and ONLY online passwords to their participants. Team leader uses the other passwords to check registered entries of the team.
Registered participants are guaranteed a place in Nordsjørittet. Registrations can not be deactivated or deleted , but see important information and dates for re-registration of names, below.
Important dates:
March 1st:
All participants receive mail with a link and code to their own registration
May 21st:
Participants must be registered to be guaranteed name printed on the startnumber
Until June 2nd:
Possible to purchase transportation and license if not already purchased
Own registration procedures apply to sponsors!
Do you need transportation of you and your bike, or only your bike, to Egersund?
We offer several transportation packages:
Bus/bike transport Stavanger - Egersund
Transportation for both passenger and bicycle. The bike must be delivered on Friday 14 June between the hours of 12.00 to 19.00 in Sandnes (same place as the starting number is picked up).
Passenger transportation by direct bus from the City Terminal in Stavanger to Egersund on 15 June. Departure time will be printet on the race chip checkout note, which you print out before picking up your starting number (posted the week before the race).
Bus/bike transport Sandnes - Egersund
Transportation package for both passenger and bicycle. The bike must be delivered on Friday 14 June between the hours of 12.00 to 19.00 in Sandnes (same place as the starting number is picked up).
Passenger transport occurs by direct bus from Central Bus Station (Ruten) in Sandnes to Egersund on 15 June. Departure time will be printet on the race chip checkout note, which you print out before picking up your starting number (posted the week before the race).
Train/bicycle transportation south of Sandnes - Egersund
Transportation Package for both passenger and bicycle. The bike must be delivered on Friday 14 June between the hours of 12.00 to 19.00 in Sandnes (same place as the starting number is picked up).
Passenger transport by train from stations south of Sandnes and Egersund 15 June. The ticket is available when you submit your bike.
Bicycle Transportation Sandnes - Egersund
Transportation of bike. The bike must be delivered on Friday 14 June between the hours of 12.00 to 19.00 in Sandnes (same place as the starting number is picked up).
Bicycle Transportation Bergen - Egersund t/r
Transportation of bike. Bike must be delivered on Thursday 13 June and picked up on Sunday 16 June.
Bicycle Transportation Stord - Egersund t/r
Transportation of bike. Bike must be delivered on Friday 14 June and picked up on Sunday 16 June.
Bicycle Transportation Haugesund - Egersund t/r
Transportation of bike. Bike must be delivered on Friday 14 June and picked up on Sunday 16 June.
Bicycle Transportation Oslo - Egersund t/r
Transport package for bike only. The bike will be delivered to Spinn, Majorstua (Kirkeveien 40) Thursday 13 June at 14.00 - 15.45 and will be delivered to the same place Monday 17th of June between 08.00 - 10.00.
For those who have ordered transport of bike only, we recommend NSB Jærbanen for tranportation of person. Check timetable here: http://www.nsb.no/
Recommended accommodation in Sandnes.
If you need accommodation in Sandnes, we can recommend Quality Hotel Residence.
Other relevant hotels in Sandnes:
Kronengruppen - Phone 03652
Quality Hotel Residence - Phone 51 60 57 00 .
Hotel Sverre - Phone - 51 87 31 00
Kronen Gaard Hotel - Phone 51 60 83 03
Thon Hotel Sandnes - Telephone 51 96 8:00 p.m.
Thon Hotel Maritim - Phone 51 51 26 00
Smarthotel Forus - Phone 41 53 65 00
If you need accomodation in Egersund, we can recommend Husabø School.
Husabø school in Egersund is located near the center of Egersund (about 500 m), and less than a kilometer from the starting area. It offers accommodation in classrooms on air mattresses. Breakfast and security of bikes parked at the school are also included. Price per person NOK 350,-.
Training in the trial at times other than race day.
It is important for us in Nordsjørittet to cherish our trail and not at least our landowners along the trail.
When it comes to training in the trial at times other than the racing day, we ask you to pay attention to vulnerable areas that can be exhausted before racing day:
Instead of going up the hill to the running terrain to Vandavatnet, cycled straight to Vigrestad center and straight through the center. Then go right - Odlandsvegen towards Odland Church and Varhaug center and onto the trail again.
Along Kongeveien (Varhaug)
The trail along the sea after Friestad (after Varhaug center) is NOT open for bike training. This is livelihood for farmers and cows using the road to and from the field. Follow the highway to Vigre school.
The bridge at Hå Gamle Prestegård
Alternative route avoiding the bridge is to continue on the bike path RV 44 to Njærheim (do not turn towards Hå Gamle Prestegård at Vigre school), turn left to Nærland and onto road 507. Then you come into the trail again.
The trail between Lalandsveien and Frøylandsvatnet is NOT open for bike training. Alternative route avoiding Frøylandsvatnet is to go left on Lalandsveien and cycle to Klepp station (train station). There is a footbridge at the end of Klepp station .
We encourage everyone to respect these limitations!
Nordsjørittet is arranged by NCF's rules.
Participants who do not follow racing rules will be disqualified. Riders must abide by the organizer's instructions. Riders must follow traffic regulations and signs, and it is important to show respect to nature, other participants and audience.
- It is mandatory to wear a helmet
- Dropped handlebars and hoop is not allowed
- "Sound by ear" (ipod player or similar) is forbidden for safety reasons
- All participants take part at their own risk, and they are required to follow traffic rules on roads, otherwise the instructions from Nordsjørittet
- Start number with chip must be put on the bike correctly
- For insurance reasons it is strictly forbidden to ride under another person's name
- It is forbidden to start i another group than one has been awarded
- Littering is strictly forbidden
- Violation of one or more rules may result in disqualification or start refusal
Elite classes
Participants to the elite classes and / or junior classes must have a valid license issued by the National Cycle Federation (NCF) associated UCI. This must be displayed upon registration. Participants in the elite class must ride in clothes approved by NCF. It is up to Nordsjørittet to assess participants in Elite Class. To start in Elite Class we set the following requirements:
1) All riders who rode Norgescup Ritt or comparable races in its class preceding years can ride
2) If not, these are the time requirements from Nordsjørittet:
Elite senior men: under 3 h and 15 min
Elite senior women: under 4 hours and 10 min
Elite junior men: under 3 hours and 45 min
Elite junior women: under 4 hours and 30 min
For comparable races - state rides and time
The Elite
Can not receive help during the race
Wheel size according to NCF's rules (from 2010 no limit on 26 '')
Unable to change bike during the race
After the finish, you can collect your luggage (if you handed it in, in Egersund).
You can shower and park your bike at Vågen Videregående skole (follow signs).