Team Registration (amendment may occur).
Would you like to register a team?
Below you will find information regarding registration procedure for teams:
Registration of team and participants in the team, opens 1. November - Link to registration will be posted on the front page, in a blue box.
Team leader register team name, team leader, billing address and the number of estimated participants. Teams must be a minimum of 8 participants and teams are committed to the number of registered participants (team leader will receive link and codes on email for further registration, when the team is registered).
Payment options
1. Team Invoice (+ NOK 100, - in fee)
2. Participants register and pay their own registration (online)
Registration of participants
Teams with payment options 1 (invoice):
- Team leader registers its participants in the team. Team leader does not need the online password if he / she is to register the participants.
- Team leader must submit link, username and ONLY online passwords to their participants if the participants are to register themselves.
Registered participants are guaranteed a place in Nordsjørittet. Registrations can not be deactivated or deleted, but see important information and dates for re-registration of names, below.
Payment option 2 (participants register and pay online):
Team leader must submit link, username and ONLY online passwords to their participants. Team leader uses the other passwords to check registered entries of the team.
Registered participants are guaranteed a place in Nordsjørittet. Registrations can not be deactivated or deleted , but see important information and dates for re-registration of names, below.
Important dates:
March 1st:
All participants receive mail with a link and code to their own registration
May 21st:
Participants must be registered to be guaranteed name printed on the startnumber
Until June 2nd:
Possible to purchase transportation and license if not already purchased
Own registration procedures apply to sponsors!